Get to know the Betawi Traditional House


Talking about the Betawi traditional house, some people must be familiar with it. Especially for those who often watch the Si Doel series. This Betawi traditional house is often called the kebaya house. But not only that, besides having a kebaya house, the Betawi people also have another traditional house called the Betawi stage house.

Based on the history that shows that each region has its own traditional house, let’s move a little to the Jakarta area. When talking about Jakarta or what can be called Betawi, surely there will be no end. This area of ​​Indonesian government has a variety of beauty and cultural diversity.

It is no secret that every region in Indonesia has its own traditional house. Yogyakarta has Bangsal Kencono, North Sumatra has Bolon, Bangka Belitung has Rakit Limas, Central Java has Joglo, and other traditional houses. Likewise with the Betawi people, they also have traditional houses that are their characteristics.

History of the Traditional House of the Betawi Tribe

Not infrequently the people of Jakarta still use this one house. Apart from being simple, this house is also used to pass down the inheritance of the ancestors to future children and grandchildren so that they are not forgotten.

One thing that may be a question of many people, why is this house called the kebaya house? This naming is certainly not arbitrary and certainly has a reason. When viewed from the side, the roof of this house has a saddle shape that will look like the folds of a kebaya.

This house has another characteristic, namely the terrace which has a large size. Why is it made that way? This wide terrace serves to entertain guests and be a place to relax with family.

Not just anyone can see the parts of the kebaya house because the front of the house is semi-public (it can be seen by all guests who come). And the back is private (which only the owner of the house and his closest relatives can see).

Betawi Stage House

Whereas the Betawi stilt house has a building structure that keeps the floor from touching the ground, as the name suggests. There is a land house (kebaya house), of course, there is also a house on stilts.

This house on stilts is made by supporting the part of the house using wooden poles made according to the conditions of the house. Although it looks the same as other stilt houses owned by other regions, this Betawi stilt house certainly has other characteristics.

The stairs of this house on stilts are made at the front and are called balaksuji or repellent for reinforcements and repellent for all bad things. People who wash their feet before passing the balaksuji are considered self-purification to avoid bad things. This house is made of wood taken from the surrounding area. For example sapodilla wood, jackfruit wood, and teak wood.

That’s some information about the Betawi traditional house. Hopefully the information is useful.


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