Exploring the beauty of Mount Seminung Lampung


For adventure tourism enthusiasts, especially those who like hiking up and down the mountain, one of the attractions that should not be missed is Mount Seminung in the District of Sukau, Kab. West Lampung, Lampung Province.

The mountain which is believed to be the place of origin of the ancestors of the people of Lampung and Komering not only presents adventurous activities that challenge and stimulate adrenaline, but will also spoil the eyes of the climbers through the natural scenery around them.

In fact, the beauty is already presented when it will start the climb, because at the foot of Mount Seminung, lies the charming Ranu Lake and is visited by many tourists.

A glimpse of Mount Seminung Lampung

Mount Seminung is a stratovoicano type mountain (inactive) which has a height of 1,881 meters above sea level. This mountain is called an inter-provincial mountain because it forms a dividing line between Lampung Province and South Sumatra Province with a distance of about 25 km to the Southwest of Liwa City which is the capital of Kab. West Lampung.

The mountain which was no longer active, last erupted was estimated around 55 thousand years ago. The eruption is the cause of the creation of Lake Ranu which has an area of 127 km2. This lake is the second largest lake in Sumatra after Lake Toba.

In recent years, Mount Seminung is not only a favorite hiking object for nature lovers and local people, but also connoisseurs of hiking tours from outside the area. No wonder that every day there are always tourists who climb this mountain, especially during the holiday season.

Hike and Explore Mount Seminung

Tourists who will climb Mount Seminung, must first take a boat to cross Lake Ranu to arrive at a hot spring located on the edge of the lake or at the foot of the mountain.

Arriving at the foot of the mountain, you should set up a tent to be used to rest, so you can choose the right time to do the climb and when climbing the body is really in a state of fit.

It takes about 4 – 5 hours to climb from the foot of the mountain to get to the top. The duration of the climb is determined by the physical condition of the climber and the terrain and weather conditions at the time of the climb.

When climbing, hikers will pass through coffee, pepper, cocoa, guava and avocado plantations, so that part of the terrain that must be passed presents a shady atmosphere.

Before climbing in extreme terrain with uphill conditions and steep slope levels, climbers will find a musholla that can be used for worship as well as resting for a while to relieve fatigue during the trip. Near this mushollah there is a jungle door plank which is the gate of the hiking trail.

During the extreme terrain, climbers will find trash cans that have been prepared by nature lovers and along the tropical forest area which is a secondary forest. Road conditions that must be traversed are not only steep but also slippery, so they are quite draining.

However, when reached the Peak of Mount Seminung Lampung, fatigue will immediately pay off when he saw the beautiful scenery that can be enjoyed from the top of the mountain. Above savanah area of about 100 meters2, climbers will be able to see the beauty of Lake Ranu under the mountain, the green expanse of forest by trees, paddy fields and Mount Pesagi soaring high in the distance.



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