Facts About Mount Latimojong

Facts About Mount Latimojong

Mount Latimojong is one of the unique mountains in the Sulawesi area, with seven exotic peaks. Stretching from north to south in the middle of the island, Mount Latimojong is recorded as an administrative area in the Enrekang Regency (South Sulawesi).

Mount Latimojong has seven peaks, more precisely referred to as mountains, with the bodies of these mountains overlapping each other and forming a unique formation. The highest peak is an altitude of 3,478 meters above sea level. So it’s no exaggeration if Mount Latimojong is called the “Big Mountain”.

Facts About Mount Latimojong

The Latimojong Mountains are the highest point in the Sulawesi Island area. This series of mountains is also not a volcano-like other mountain in several regions in Indonesia, but a non-volcanological mountain.

In addition, this mountainous area is filled with Montana-type forests. The characteristics of each forest of this type are, on average, growing in areas with an altitude of about 2,000 to 3,000 meters above sea level.

The seven peaks are regular, they are;

  • Buntu Sinaji Peak (2,430 masl)
  • Buntu Sikolong Peak (2,754 masl)
  • Buntu Rante Kambola peak (3,083 masl )
  • Buntu Rante Mario Peak (3,430 masl )
  • Nenemori Deadlock Peak (3,097 masl )
  • Buntu Bajaja peak (2,700 masl )
  • Latimojong Buntu Peak (2,800 masl )

It can be said that the number seven is exotic and mystical, so it is the same with Mount Latimojong, which is known to be mystical and exotic. Its beauty stretches throughout the ascent, and the color and mystical aura are strong. According to local people’s beliefs, the Mystical Aromas of Mount Latimojong, “this mountain is said to be the origin of the ancestors of the Enrekang, Toraja, Luwu, and Bone people”.

This belief is also accompanied by a mystical belief from several local legends, which are dominated by the Duri tribes, who communicate using the Duri language. They live in the Baraka area to the Karangan area on the climbing routes of Mount Latimojong and make up the majority of coffee farmers.

The Duri tribe strongly believes that the spirits of their ancestors have resided in certain areas on Mount Latimojong. Likewise, in various places that are considered to have watchdogs. So the climbers are required to “Use a rattan bracelet,” which the guides usually say. Wearing this rattan bracelet is believed to protect climbers from disturbances by the guards of Mount Latimojong or supernatural beings.

By the traditional beliefs of the local people, the rattan bracelet is a symbol that indicates that they are visiting well. Because the rattan bracelet is a symbol of their ancestors, who are said to be named “Janggok Riri and Grandma Meng”. The mystical scent is also seen in residents’ beliefs, who require attention to signs of the surrounding nature.

For example, the belief that when we hear the sounds of birds, it means a good sign, and the climb can continue. However, if what you hear is not the sound of birds but the buzzing of bees, then the climber should go back down because it is a bad sign.

Mount Latimojong Climbing Route

Generally, access roads to climb Mount Latimojong start from Baraka District. Makassar can reach this area by using public transportation and getting off at the Cake area. From Cake, local transportation services are available to the Baraka area. And from Baraka, continue with the journey to the Buntu Dea area.

From Buntu Dea, then go to Latimojong Hamlet on foot. The same journey continues to Karuaja Hamlet, located right in the valley. Then from this village, head to the last village at the foot of Mount Latimojong, namely Karangan Village. The climbers who visit usually stay at the houses of residents in Karangan Village, waiting for the right time to start climbing.

Climbing Mount Latimojong consists of seven posts, namely:

Post 1 (Buntu Kaciling)

Buntu Kaciling is the first post you will pass when climbing Mount Latimojong. From Karangan Village to Pos 1, the climbers took them through the Salu Karangan river. This road begins to climb at a slope of 50 to 70 degrees. In this path, there will be a lot of forks. Buntu Kaciling is located at an altitude of 1,800 meters above sea level, a plain and open area measuring 4 square meters.

Pos 2 (Sarong Pakpak Cave)

Sarong Pakpak Cave is the second post you will go through while climbing Mount Latimojong. This path has a contoured terrain up and down on the sides of the valley, and the river flows very fast. In this post area measuring 4 square meters with a unique location at the bottom of the cliff, climbers usually set up tents for the night.

Post 3 (Lantang Nase)

Extreme terrain dominates this trail with steep climbs on an 80-degree slope. If a little careless, it will become a death trap in which the climbers will fall backward. Lantang Nase is located at an altitude of 1,940 meters above sea level. This place is also the third post passed while climbing Mount Latimojong.

Post 4 (Deadlocked)

This path is not as extreme as the previous path. The slope level also decreases to a range of about 60 to 70 degrees. However, high vigilance is still needed so that unwanted bad things don’t happen. The Buntu Lebu Post is located at an altitude of about 2,140 meters above sea level, which is a flat area of ​​6 square meters and is covered by lush trees.

Post 5 (Solo Tama)

This line is located at an altitude of 2,480 masl; this area has a capacity of ten tents, which is a plain area located on the ridge of the mountain and has a very charming panorama. Solo Tama is also usually used to spend the night or camp by climbers of Mount Latimojong.

Post 6 (Peek at the Seven Peaks of Latimojong)

This line is at an altitude of 2,690 meters above sea level. From this post, you will begin to see the ranks of the seven peaks of Latimojong. In this post, climbers can begin to enjoy the beauty of the seven peaks of Mount Latimojong, which are very exotic.

Post 7 (Kong Buntu)

The Kolong Buntu line is located at an altitude of 3,100 meters above sea level. The trails have also been repaired. And from this last post, the real climb of Mount Latimojong will begin. It begins with a crossroads in an open area, the path to the left leads to the top of Rante Mario, the path to the right ends at 30° to the peak of Nenemori, and the path to the right at 90° is a downhill road leading to Palopo.

The exotic Mount Latimojong, namely Rante Mario Peak, is the highest peak on Mount Latimojong. This beautiful peak is still overgrown with forests of natural vegetation. The peak of Nenemori is no less anesthetizing than Rante Mario. The path leading to Nenemori is dominated by forests with tall and large trees covered with thick and slippery moss. If lucky, the climbers will meet anoa, or a typical fauna in Sulawesi whose population is getting smaller, which is already included in the group of protected animals.


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