7 Lampung Special Foods That Make You Addicted


It is incomplete if you are traveling in Lampung as a city in Indonesia which is famous for producing the most delicious typical foods. Therefore, take your time to pamper your tongue by tasting unique and delicious dishes to the typical cakes of Lampung. Here I recommend 7 typical Lampung food that makes you impatient to enjoy it:

1. Seruit

Seruit is one of Lampung’s special foods that is often served when there are family events, weddings, traditional and religious events. Meanwhile, the whistle is also often used as a staple food that is consumed daily by the Pepadun community. Seruit is a food made from grilled fish which is mixed with various shrimp paste chillies typical of Bandar Lampung such as tempoyak or some that add mango.

Basically, the fish used to make the whistle are quite diverse, but the fish most often used are fish from the river such as baung, balide, layis and others. When eating this whistle will usually be added to fresh vegetables to give a more delicious and delicious taste.

2. Gabing

gabing lampung special food

Gabing is a food that uses the main ingredient of young coconut stems. When the process of making gabing is fairly simple, that is by slicing young coconut stems to look like a small plate that extends and measures 3 to 4 cm. Then you can boil the coconut stems and also add spices to suit your taste.

Gabing itself is a food soup, but there are also some people who make gabing that is not given soup. For those of you who want to make gabing taste more delicious and delicious, you can also add mushrooms, fresh meat and various other types of ingredients that can enrich the taste of this Lampung special food.

3. Tempoyang

tempoyang lampung special food

Do you like processed foods from durian? If it is, then you should try the typical food of the city of Lampung on this one. Tempoyang is a food that uses the basic ingredients of durian fruit that has been fermented.

For the process of making a pot is also fairly easy, namely by preparing durian meat that does not have a lot of water content. Well, in order to make a delicious bowl you should look for durian with good quality and is completely cooked. Afterwards you can separate the seeds from the durian meat and then add a little salt.

Furthermore, you can add cayenne pepper to taste, if all is done then you can store it in a closed place or it can also be put in the refrigerator. This is useful for accelerating the tempoyak fermentation process. If it has been fermented for 2 to 5 days, you can immediately process it with a fish mixture. Fish that are usually used are quite diverse such as tilapia fish, anchovies, carp and others.

For those of you who want to make sambal, you have to mix onion, garlic, chilies that have been mashed or cut into small pieces, then add a little sugar. Then you can fry it for up to 3 minutes, then tempoyak can be served and eaten immediately.

4. Engkak


Engkak are foods that taste pretty sweet. The main ingredients for making crackers are eggs and butter which are mashed into a very soft texture. This is very suitable to be eaten as a snack and also breakfast. Ingredients used for the manufacture of crackers are granulated sugar, white glutinous rice flour, chicken eggs, sweetened condensed milk, coconut milk and butter.

Then you can mix all the ingredients together and stir until evenly distributed. Afterwards you can put the mixture into a baking dish that has been smeared with butter and also given a paper mat. You can bake this cake like lapis legit cake.

5. Kemplang


For those of you who like crunchy food with fish ingredients, it is worth trying kemplang which is one of the typical foods of the city of Bandar Lampung. The process of making this kemplang is fairly easy, that is by ripening the kemplang by baking it. For those of you who are reducing greasy or fried foods, it is highly recommended to try this kemplang.

This Kemplang has a very savory taste that is included with crunches that can arouse the tastes of anyone who sees it. Not only can this Kemplang be used as a side dish, but it can also be used as a snack for you to enjoy.

6. Keripik Nangka

In addition to banana chips, there are also other Lampung snacks that you can make as souvenirs, namely jackfruit chips. Jackfruit Chips with Banana Chips does not make any difference, because they are both delicious when eaten. For those of you who like snacking and snacks, it is worth trying the typical Lampung jackfruit chips. Because when you try this jackfruit chips guaranteed you will always be addicted to the taste it has.

7. Lapis Legit

Lapis Legit cake is one of the specialties of Lampung which is usually served on Eid day. The lapis legit cake is indeed a cake from the colonial era which is still popular with many people.

Lapis legit cake or spekkoek have the main characteristic that is very fragrant marinade. If viewed from the form of lapis legit cake, including cakes that have luxury shapes. Usually for one baking layer, lapis legit cake requires 300 grams of butter, 100 grams of wheat flour and 30 chicken eggs.

In the process of making this cake, it really needs special skills and patience. Because when you form a layer on this cake must be done carefully. So the lapis legit cake can be shaped according to what you want.


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